Decisions are hard.


You need to make sense of the noise - A way to harness it to take confident action.


Welcome to the Decision Matrix

Spreadsheet Google Sheet showing Decision Matrix hiring scoring preview

To get your free copy Fill out this QUICK and EASY form:

This is the tool I’ve used with my clients to make Decisions like:

  • Which option really is their next best move

  • Where to focus their money and time

  • Who to hire, and when

  • How to tell whether their clients are happy with them

  • What to stop dwelling on


Frequently Asked Questions

How does it work?

Decide what practical markers matter to you. E.g. if "competence" is a brand value, maybe the applicant you're considering needs to have a minimum amount of experience. Pick your criteria, choose their weights, and score your options.

If this is so great, why is it free?!

I want to help get you on the path of making data-based decisions. The CEO path. You’re at a point in your business where your gut has too many ideas for it to be your compass. Now is the time for CLARITY and CONFIDENCE.

What if I hate all things Excel/GoogleSheets/Math?

I have made this tool as easy-to-use as possible, I promise. I've included step-by-step instructions inside. There is an example sheet and one for you to play with - you're not going to break anything! And I know once you have numbers to prove that one choice is a clear winner you're going to start getting on my nerd level.

What kinds of things can I use this for?

Any decision that is seriously weighing on you. Don't use it to pick your breakfast. Use it to choose a CRM or freelancer, an offer to focus on building, who to hire, where to set up shop, etc. It's also a great starting point for things like client satisfaction scorecards.

What if I get stuck?

I truly believe you can use this successfully on your own, but just in case you hit a wall, I'm here for you! Email me at or click the button below to schedule a 30 minute call with me!

I just want someone else to look at numbers, not me

I totally get it, and...that just isn't gonna fly. You're a leader of humans. Data is going to help you, I promise. I'll be your buddy to make math less painful, though. Click the button below to chat!

What happens after I fill out the form?

You will see a thank you message that includese a link to download your Google Sheets copy of the Decision Matrix. This message and link will also be emailed to you so you don't HAVE to download it right away. You are receiving this tool as a thank you gift for joining my email list, and you can opt out of that list at any time.


Want to talk about it? Cool, me too! Click this button: